High Performance Workplace: Westinghouse UK This case study looks at the Springfields Fuels Limited site, which embraced the principles of partnership as a way to high performance and mutual benefits. The principles have been applied to many challenges facing the business, ensuring its continued profitability, adaptability to change, improved morale and motivation, reduced absence and improved safety performance. Processing uranium to supply fuel to commercial power stations in the UK and overseas, the Springfields site employs around 1,400 people involved in fuel manufacture, clean-up and site decommissioning activities. Amicus, T&G and GMB represent industrial staff, while Prospect represent administration, professional, scientific and technical staff. This case study forms part of a project entitled ‘Adaptable Enterprises’. The project includes educational and networking activities on: high performance working, healthy working and performance, the future of work and organisation, and intellectual capital. To view the full case study click here. Manage Cookie Preferences