Why Does Voice Matter?

Having a voice in the workplace has been identified as one of the four key enablers of employee engagement.  An informed employee voice can contribute to sustainable organisational success through increasing engagement, improving decision-making and supporting innovation.  It's important, therefore, that managers know how to listen.

Listening to your employees

This suite of services from IPA helps leaders and line managers to understand employee voice within their organisation - how to release, listen and respond to it - while avoiding the pitfalls that can accidentally increase disengagement.


A review of the architecture and operation of employee voice mechanisms currently in place. This can comprise interviews and focus groups with leaders, managers, employees and their representatives, and the review of employee surveys and other data collected by the organisation.

A full report and recommendations is provided.  The findings from the report can be presented to the leadership team in a facilitated action planning workshop.


A tailored training programme to help leaders and line managers improve the effectiveness of employee voice mechanisms in the organisation and respond constructively to employee voice.

In addition to gaining a thorough understanding of how the informed employee voice can work, the training programme will provide the tools and techniques to help leaders and line managers understand how to support voice, for the benefit of employees and the organisation as a whole.

The training will include modules on:

  • Employee voice in UK organisations
  • Understanding the different types of voice
  • Leadership styles
  • Creating the informed voice
  • Dealing with the negative voice
  • Voice channel improvements 
  • Action planning.

Learning outcomes

These will include:

  • A clear understanding about how the organisational culture can support voice and its structures and processes
  • A plan to improve them
  • An understanding of the barriers to voice in the organisation and how to overcome them
  • An understanding of how to create and sustain the “informed voice” 
  • Greater confidence amongst staff and managers of how to address issues and work together to resolve them

To find out more...

Lucy O'Melia, head of learning and development

E          [email protected]  

M         07852 836560